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NTSE Exam - 2021

The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) :  is a national level scholarship program in India started in the year 1963. The purpose of the scheme is to identify talented students and nurture their talent. It covers areas like Science, Social Science, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law. The scheme is open to students of Indian nationality. It helps students to proliferate their mental level and also helps them to sharpen their minds. It is organized by NCERT and honors talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship. For the courses in Basic Sciences, Social Sciences and Commerce, this assistance is provided up to Ph.D. level whereas for professional courses like Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law this assistance is given only up to Post Graduation. NTSE is conducted by NCERT for the students of Class X. The exam is conducted at two levels: Stage-I (State Level) and Stage-II (National Level). The NTSE paper consisting of ...

B.Ed sem 4 mcq imp material 2021 (HNGU)

  Hello guys, in 2020 a Chinese product came in India and destroy our routine life.As we told on Chinese product that "Chale To Chaand tak nahi to Raat tak" and this is "chaand tak wala product". its has been long time to survive people on this and many people died of this.

                                             Yes, i am telling about about CORONA.a small businessman, a normal person,The government,GDP,student,jobber all are affected. many people lost their jobs,their business.

                                            In all of this, Students are more affected on this pandemic. they can't go to school.our study structure are not suitable to online 2020 most of the school exam taken by each school and board. but university exam are remaining.Student groups like ABVP and NSUI are protesting for student and finally our all (mostly all) university of gujarat are decided to conduct exam in online mode.

                                        after that corona cases decrease day by day so in all over india are reopen and joining to their normal life but after march 2021, the second wave of corona are more dangerous and spread more fast in air..then school are close one more time.

                                       on May 2021, Gujarat board decided that they promote 10th student in 11th without any board exam, but class 12 student are not promoted.also Gujarat universities cant promoted last year student..

Hey friends, in past post I gave you a b.ed sem 4 old paper set.and in this post I will give you b.ed sem 4 paper set..


HNGU mean HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY decided to take further exam in offline mode.there is no option for I will give you b.ed sem 4 old paper set to preparation..
As We know that on COVID reason all Gujarat's University are take in online mode on March/April exam 2020.also some University found that students are sit in groups and take exams together.University also claim that some students and teachers are also active in social media like whatsapp and Facebook and post answer sheet during in exam.

b.ed sem 4

So on this time HNGU decided that they can't conduct Nov/Dec exam in online mode.but students say that they learn in online mode then why they gave exam offline?

Also some students organisation like ABVP also stand and support the students and they speak for HNGU students and university's Vice chancellor give both mode like online and offline mode..

b.ed sem 4 old paper

After a days a committee of teachers and EC members organized a meeting and decide that University cannot take online because of students future and Injustice with clever students.only ug mean under graduate sem 1&3 students exam taken online..

And on writen university's circular that further March/April all exam conduct only offline mode.also some exam finished successfully on this COVID situation.

Here i mention that it is official pdf put by i also suggest that it is hngu(just for fun),they changed exam time table many times during COVID situation..i don’t blame for on that..but COVID is not over yet and HNGU also decided take offline exam..

HNGU Exam Time Table 2020 – The Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University released the HNGU Exam Time Table 2020 for the even semester examination, candidates who are studying in the university can download the HNGU Exam Time Table 2020 on the official website at The university will provide the HNGU Exam Time Table 2020 for semester 2, 4, 6 on the official website. Candidates can download the Pdf file of the HNGU Exam Time Table 2020 by using the link available here. Candidates get complete information from this article and get the complete schedule.

The Process is given below to download the HNGU Exam Time Table 2021 be available, and candidates follow the instructions to download the HNGU Exam Time Table 2021. 

Step 1: Visit the HNGU Official Website at

Step 2: Click on the Time Table link on the Home page.

Step 3: Now Select the Examination Schedule link Under the Examination Section.

Step 4: Then, the New Page HNGU March-June Exam Schedule 2021 Will Be Open.

Step 5: Now Select the UG/PG March-June Exam Time Table 2020 link, then click on Submit Button.

Step 6: View and Download the HNGU Exam Time Table 2021 PDF

Step 7: Candidates can download the HNGU Exam Time Table 2020 and Take Print Out for future refere..

yes, i am telling about about CORONA.a small businessman, a normal person,The government,GDP,student,jobber all are affected. many people lost their jobs,their business.

                                            In all of this, Students are more affected on this pandemic. they can't go to school.our study structure are not suitable to online 2020 most of the school exam taken by each school and board. but university exam are remaining.Student groups like ABVP and NSUI are protesting for student and finally our all (mostly all) university of gujarat are decided to conduct exam in online mode.

                                        after that corona cases decrease day by day so in all over india are reopen and joining to their normal life but after march 2021, the second wave of corona are more dangerous and spread more fast in air..then school are close one more time.

                                       on May 2021, Gujarat board decided that they promote 10th student in 11th without any board exam, but class 12 student are not promoted.also Gujarat universities cant promoted last year student..

So I will give you b.ed sem 4 old paper for HNGU last 2 year..

                                   If you want to preliminary exam papers then comment below we can try to find some best college and put on this post..It's also available on lnkpatan college website but some students doesn't find it so we can provide for you..
Yaa it's COVID time but also after COVID situation you can help your junior friends to score a marks..also we uploaded b.ed sem 3 old exam last 4 years exam paper can also download that paper also..
                                We can also trying to find all Bsc, BA and Bcom.if any reader from this faculty then comment below to want bla bla paper..we can also put this on new post..

                                     so all the best for your exam to all last year students, on last year we provided b.ed sem 2 all MCQs pdf file and we are happy to share with you that most of all mcq are given in our material.So this is our victory..

                                if you studying in b.ed sem 2 and if your exam will be taken online then all sem 2 material are in this site.. and if you are studying in B.Ed sem 4 then this post helps you to read..we are putting on this site to B.Ed sem 4 Amol and Nirav material..

also you can download b.ed sem 3 old paper - CLICK HERE


But many student face problem to download pdf i just putting each pdf link below..then you can download easily.there are more then ttwo liinks of all material,so see the pdf in subject wise...

links are below...


1) Understanding Of Self :

PDF 1     PDF 2     PDF 3     PDF 4     PDF 5     PDF 6     PDF 7


2) Gender, School & Society :

PDF 1     PDF 2     PDF 3     PDF 4     PDF 5     PDF 6     PDF 7


 3) Contemporary India & Education- B :

PDF 1     PDF 2     PDF 3     PDF 4     PDF 5     PDF 6     PDF 7     PDF 8


4) Creating an Inclusive School :

PDF 1     PDF 2     PDF 3     PDF 4     PDF 5     PDF 6     PDF 7     

PDF 8     PDF 9


thank you for visiting our site....


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